Thursday, December 25, 2008

Diet Updates

Diet TopicsRooibos Tea

The morning meal is the easiest to switch to raw. Most people find that once they start listening to their body, they are actually not truly hungry in the morning.

I've watched how many children generally don't eat in the morning if they are left to themselves and not being force-fed.

My suggestion is that you can skip the morning meal altogether or replace it with a smoothie or some fruit. I know that this goes against all the advice you've heard about �never skipping meals� or that �breakfast is the most important meal of the day.� What I'm telling you know is that this advice isn't based on any solid facts.
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Rooibos Tea


Remember, wellness is a choice. The first step towards wellness is simple and you can take it right. Say to yourself, �I choose to be well.� Base your daily and long-term decisions on this goal and watch yourself reaping the rewards of balance, happiness, and good health.

Melissa Levine of Wild Divine is an expert in meditation, biofeedback, wellness, alternative medicine and the mind body connection. Visit Wild Divine, to read Melissa�s blog posts and learn more about Healing Rhythms, the award winning biofeedback guided meditation program featuring practices from Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil and other leading experts.
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DietWhat the queen of rations Marguerite Patten can teach modern cooks - Times Online

Thu, 18 Dec 2008 21:53:00 GMT
"Celebrity is a stupid word. It only means well known and there are so many people who are well known. It's not us who are important, it's the food,” snaps Marguerite Patten, OBE ...

Newsweek - Diet

Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:00:00 GMT
January 15, 2007 -- Probably a little of both. Whether you've been a health nut or a couch potato, you're going to find menopause a challenge. Your metabolism slows down...

Oakland Tribune - Diet Club: Dieting gadgets

Fri, 26 Sep 2008 07:00:00 GMT
September 26, 2008 -- Everyone who knows me knows that I am the consummate gadget gal. I've got every kitchen, gardening and scrapbooking gadget known to humankind. And if...

Fetal Diet Study May Offer Clue To Obesity - MSNBC

Wed, 24 Dec 2008 19:59:19 GMT

Fetal Diet Study May Offer Clue To Obesity
MSNBC - Dec 24, 2008
A new study may offer evidence that a high-fat diet during pregnancy causes permanent changes in the fetal brain, potentially causing overeating and obesity ...

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