Friday, March 07, 2008

Wheatgrass Retailer Reviews and information

New Dog Treats and Cat Treats Made with Organic Wheatgrass

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 00:00:00 CST
Retailer prices may vary. Based in San Marcos, Calif., Bell Rock Growers is a certified organic grower of live wheatgrass and the pioneer supplier of green ...

New Dog Treats and Cat Treats Made with Organic Wheatgrass - Emediawire (press release)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:09:41 GMT

New Dog Treats and Cat Treats Made with Organic Wheatgrass
Emediawire (press release), WA - Feb 13, 2008
Retailer prices may vary. Based in San Marcos, Calif., Bell Rock Growers is a certified organic grower of live wheatgrass and the pioneer supplier of green ...

New Dog Treats and Cat Treats Made with Organic Wheatgrass - Emediawire (press release)

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 09:09:41 GMT

New Dog Treats and Cat Treats Made with Organic Wheatgrass
Emediawire (press release), WA - Feb 13, 2008
Retailer prices may vary. Based in San Marcos, Calif., Bell Rock Growers is a certified organic grower of live wheatgrass and the pioneer supplier of green ...

Wheatgrass Retailer
Healthier Choices In Nutrition Mean Improved Health

A healthier diet is not about how much you eat or measuring portions, counting calories or cutting carbs. It is a long-term lifestyle alternative. The concept of healthy dieting is considered to be one aspect of good living and healthy practices.

To lose weight naturally, you must know what makes you fat in the first place. When you eat carbohydrates your body turns them into sugar. These sugars are either immediately sent to the cells of the body for energy or they are stored in the liver. Any excess sugars are turned into body fat.

The first step towards a general improvement in your health is better nutrition. This begins with eating clean, fresh, whole foods, foods that have not been commercially processed. Foods, which are considered to be in their natural state, are the best choice. Making healthy choices is becoming increasingly difficult in today?s fast food world. Attention to food preparation should always is top of the list. Eating a diet, which includes whole grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables and high in fibre is an excellent way to begin.

We have become a ?living to eat? nation as opposed to an ?eating to live? one. When creating a healthier eating plan much consideration must be given to meal planning and time management. A lifestyle review is needed to decide how you combine healthy foods into your daily diet. On your day off or at the weekend plan the meals for the week to come. Try to determine what meals you will eat in the following week. You will be better organized if you make lists. Other good preparation tips include: -

? Integrate grocery shopping into your weekly routine.

? Wash all fruit and vegetables before storing.

? Select only restaurants offering healthy options when dining out.

? Clear out fridges and pantries and discard all previously purchased unhealthy foods include all processed, sugary foods and drink. Also foods, which are high in harmful fats.

? Choose whole foods over processed foods. These have not undergone procedures to make them look more attractive or to extend shelf life. These processes include hydrogenating, stabilizing, emulsifying, thickening, homogenizing, flavouring, mulling, colouring, pasteurizing and irradiating.

Most food processing involves heat, which depletes the food of its vitamin and mineral content. This application of heat also destroys beneficial enzymes.

When making the transition from processed to whole foods buy organic fruits and vegetables when possible. Modern day farmers have considerably escalated their use of pesticides and herbicides in recent years. There are at least sixty cancer causing pesticides classed as legal to use. After purchasing organic products, wash in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or Milton. (Dilute with nine parts water) this kills any parasites, which may be on the products. If organic produce is not available in you?re area, then use frozen, as this is the better option, with a higher nutritional value, than canned.

Meat produced by modem farming often carries disease and the animals have been give large amounts or growth hormones and antibiotics. Once again it is best to choose organic for dairy, poultry and meat products. It is preferable to eat brown rather than white rice. Millet, barley, bulgur wheat, buckwheat, teff, spelt, quinoa and amaranth are nourishing whole grains, which can be used as a substitute. It is always best to choose organic grains if possible. Supermarkets and natural food stores often sell these in bulk form.

Always read labels and steer clear of foods that contain chemical preservatives, artificial sweeteners and hydrogenated vegetable oil. This oil has been associated with numerous health problems and is found in commercial peanut butter and margarine.

About the Author:

Brandon H. Masters is a health enthusiast, researcher and veteran of the Natural Products industry. He is devoted to educating others on the benefits of weight management using natural solutions. High Fiber Foods


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